• Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of the Good Shepherd

About Us

Find your people. Find your practices. Find your story.

We are tellers of stories. We wrestle with ancient texts and expect God to speak to us through them. We are not literalists; we value constant growth in understanding and context. Our own lives intersect with God’s story, and sharing our stories with one another reveals the many ways this can happen.

We are evolving traditionalists. The structure of our worship has stood the test of time, but we don’t remain stuck in old assumptions that have become unhelpful or are just plain incorrect.

We are students of wisdom. We continue to learn all our lives how to walk in Jesus’ Way of Love. We continue to learn and share practices that help us apprentice ourselves to Jesus.

We are seekers of justice. Through our love for God and one another, we welcome God’s ultimate dream of beloved community.

Our Services

Holy Eucharist, Rite II - larger gathering, with music
Holy Eucharist, Rite II - intimate, without music

What to Expect

What are services like?
Episcopal worship is both traditional and contemporary, blending the centuries-old structure of catholic rites with present-day people's needs. We gather, read from the Bible, hear a sermon, pray for our own concerns and those of the world, and come humbly before God to offer ourselves in God's service. We share Holy Communion every Sunday, and that fuels us to be the Body of Christ all week long. Ours is a structured, reverent service centered on scripture, reflection, and communal worship.

What is the community like?
A warm, friendly, multicultural, intergenerational crowd is eager to befriend you. If you need space to sit and heal, you can do that. If you want to jump in with two feet and participate as fully as possible, you can do that.

What if I'm not a Christian?
Come pray with us anyway! All are welcome and warmly received. And if becoming a Christian interests you, talk to us about that. But we won't unduly pressure you.

What Members Say

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