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Fishinger Road Church of Christ in Columbus,OH 43221
1130 Fishinger Rd, Columbus, OH

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  • The opportunity presented itself and I ended up in a church Sunday. Hadn't been in quite a while cause frankly I'm not that kind, I used to be and have a college degree in Biblical Studies to prove it. I was a missionary mostly involved in teen outreach while attending Moody Bible Institute in Chicago during my 30s. Truthfully, Bible School left me a confused Christian and other Christians themselves finished me off. Christianity is the only religion that kills its wounded, but that subject is for another day. Not surprisingly I've turned my back on organized religion entirely.
    However I found myself sitting in church ⛪️ yet again.
    I arrived as the congregation was singing. The words were on a large screen and parishioners managed to sound as lifeless and bored with singing the same ol songs as I remembered from the past. Then some dumpy lookin chubby guy in half a suit and half a breard got up to preach.
    He announced he was Joe Whoever, the youth pastor. He didn't have to tell me he was youth pastor as he smiled constantly while giving his oratory. Youth pastors smile too much cause they have to be hip. I never trust anyone that smiles a lot.
    His sermon was exactly how I remembered being taught at Moody . The premise, the body of the sermon, broken down into A B C sub categories then the summary where you tie it all together. Then the call for salvation, didn't notice any takers going forward.
    Thank goodness I had my 5 yo Grandson with me to occupy my time by drawing pictures.
    In all, brain dead people listening to a dead sermon in a dead people's palace.
    About that time someone handed me this thing you see in my hand. I looked at it closely not realizing what the hell it was. Inspiration hit me and I realized it was a McCommuion happy meal and I was immediately amused.
    Thereafter some granite faced oldtimer ( I assumed the senior pastor) came up. White hair and bread with the ubiquitous blue jacket and gray pants and a tie rose to the pulpit and with a stern gravely voice verbalized the communion thing. Immediately after the music guy jumped to the podium wearing a down vest ( I guess he was going skiing afterwards and didn't have time to dress appropriately) stood waiving his arm up and down, directing us I reckoned, Is that really necessary?
    Then it was over and the parishioners fled the place faster than buckeye fans the end of a losing game at the shoe.
    Learned nothing, felt not the presence of God, was greeted or approached by not a single person even tho I was the only 6 foot cowboy within and was obviously a visitor. Just like I remember church being. What any of this had to do with God leaves me SMH slowly.
    People say the old ways are gone, I think they are still here dead as ever when you surgically trim worship to fit a schedule as not to piss off the congregation.
    My most special part of communion in the past was being served the sacrament from a person of God. Not slamin down some fast food. Eating Christ's flesh and drinking his blood was always a hard concept for me but I took it seriously. It wasn't a waste of my time.
    No longer, I'll just whip in McDonald's and get me a Mc Communion Happy meal.
    See ya in church. Not
    #church #churchlife #religion #religonsucks